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21 Weeks Post Op VSG

Hey Everyone,
I am back! I’ve been recovering well from surgery! The Lord has lead me in every step! Thank you all for praying for me and encouraging me along the way. I have had lots of questions about the process so I’m going to answer it all here. My surgery day was 9-9-19. I had surgery at covenant medical center in Lubbock Texas with Dr. David Syn. My starting weight was 258 pounds and this morning I am weighing in at 182 which means I’m down 76 pounds so far. My goal weight is the 130’s! Each day I learn something new but I never get away from knowing I still can’t do this on my own. I have to have the Lord! The Lord is my strength, my shield, and my hiding place! The most asked questions are. What do I eat. At the moment my day looks like a green smoothie with Thrive lifestyle mix in the flavor vanilla or chocolate, lunches are salads loaded with fresh veggies and protein. I can eat about 1/2 of a cup. Dinner is protein veggies and a tiny amount of starch. I try to get in 80-90oz of water a day or more. I have a protein coffee every other day. Next question is am I tired? Yes. Most days I fall asleep my 8:30 pm and don’t wake up until 4:30 AM. But it does get better. What do I do to workout? I was lifting weights and doing cardio but I can’t consume enough in a day for those workouts to be effective so for now until I can handle more food I am just doing all different kinds of cardio. Walking, running, elliptical, pound fit, hiit cardio. Whatever I can fit in. Loose skin? Definitely but In 5 years I’ll be right where I’d like to be. Is it a quick fix? Absolutely not. Everyday I have to pick healthy food and water over hamburgers and French fries. It’s no cake walk! I hope this blog helps anyone looking into VSG! It’s been the best thing I could have ever done.

Love you all,
Jordyn 💕


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