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NOW WORD! Jim Spradley

Hey Everyone,
Today the Lord has shown me specifically to share this NOW WORD that the Lord gave my Grandpa Jim Spradley. Please Share!

My name is Jim Spradley. I am a naturalized citizen of the United States, born in Alberta, Canada in 1950. My father was sent there at the time as an employee of the Texas Oil Company (Texaco).  My parents were transferred to Texas when I was six months old. My wife Judy and I have walked with the Lord for the last 30 years. Our calling has been primarily in the marketplace. We are
not well known, and as some say, have been somewhat management on ranches in New Mexico, managing an Oil Field chemical business and also owning a very successful business in a small community in southwest Texas which the Lord had us sell about four years ago. I have been a spiritual father to many sons, especially in the last fifteen years. We currently reside on a mountain peak between Ruidoso and Alto NM.  As I have grown in the Lord and learned to lean into and listen to Him, I have not been one to listen to the 'news' and have seldom read prophecies of other Christian leaders. In 1996, Michial (Michael) Ratliff, the prophet who prophesied over Steve Hill and Pensacola....the Brownsville Revival, prophesied a prophetic call over me and that 'God was giving me words that would nail things prodding goads". This was among several other words from him during a two year period when we lived in Sonora, TX.

Names associated with :      Toni and Kerry Hellums 

                                             Aaron Wickander, Assistant to Pastor Elevate Church, Midland, TX

                                             Mark and Shirley Williams, Pastors, Grace Christian Fellowship, 
                                             Alpine, TX. 

                                            Carl Covington, Pastor, Faith Alive Cowboy Church, Marfa, TX

                                            Mark and Kathleen Withers, Alpine, TX
                                            John and Devin Marshall, Pastors, Calvary Chapel, Ruidoso, NM

(To whom it concerns, please understand I am not looking for a platform, or to use you in any way.
The Lord 'dropped' your ministry in my heart to send this to. I may never send anything else....Blessings)

In a dream from the Lord in early March, 2016, the Lord confirmed the candidacy of  Donald Trump to me independently of any other words or prophecies. In part of the dream I saw a large white jet that was also colored red, white and blue and reminded me of the American flag. As I
awoke the Lord spoke, 'America's going to be OK!"  Getting up my thought was, I sure hope so because things aren't looking good for our country in the natural.  Thankfully we see now that God blessed us with a President ....a man that knows how to stand for righteousness!
    At the time of that dream I had not heard of Kim Clement's prophecies about Donald Trump spoken in 2007, nor had I heard of Mark Taylor the retired fireman.  Obviously though, these were not proclamations of men but prophecies from the Lord.
On October 5, 2018, at 12:00 pm, during the confirmation hearings for our new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the Lord spoke a very clear word to me concerning His heart for our nation and His Church.  I first thought the Lord wanted me to stand before the US Congress and give the word, but He told me to 'set on it' and I have only shared with my wife.
    On February 13, 2019, the Lord directed me to release it to you at Elijah List. It was written and sent on February 15. I questioned that at first, but I trust His timing for it is a NOW word.
    The Spirit of the Lord spoke these words clearly to me, " The political and religious leaders who say they are with Me, and those who outwardly oppose Me ...standing with Me...but are not supporting the man I have put in office, had better step up and support this man, President Donald Trump. If  not,  some of you will lose your kingdoms and some will die out of season, for you have frustrated My grace in your lives." 
    This is a NOW word, God will have His prophecy, this is not of man's wishes. In His mercy, the Lord has allowed us a season of great grace as the darkness has increased, allowing the Light of His truth to be revealed. God is not done with the USA! I have never heard such zeal and intensity  of the Lord as I do on this word. He will be exalted among the heathen throughout the world. Many will be drawn back home to our Father who created all of mankind, by the Holy Spirit through the door of Jesus Christ!  
    I could never see the mighty end-time harvest that many spoke of and prophesied until December, 2018, when the Lord opened my eyes to see a FLOOD of souls coming into the Kingdom!  The Lord is not only zealous for His Bride, but for the many sons and daughters who are yet to come home to Him.  He is grieved by the murder of the innocent from prior to birth to the aged, the sex slave trade and illegal drug trafficking. 
    To the political and religious leaders who are not taking this opportunity to join in support of the man God as obviously placed in the highest office in this nation, but are still against Him; They are frustrating God's grace in their lives ....they have been weighed in the balance and found lacking.  They will be replaced. The Lord continues to show me this is not a prophecy but  a NOW WORD to the political and religious leaders of this nation! He is shaking the heavens and the earth. We are blind if we cannot see that. He has begun His shaking and it is being done in the religious realm first...and most. Now He is shaking the earthly, carnal world fiercely.
    Again He wants this understood, the word He gave me is not a prophecy, but a NOW WORD! 
HIS Word will bring conviction, repentance and correction and the demise of the plans and kingdoms built by men and women greedy for wealth and power. God is serious when He says to those that oppose what He is doing, that they are frustrating His grace in their lives. Their kingdoms will fall apart before their eyes and be removed out of His way.  There is no one who can rescue them.  There will be deaths in the camp of those who are opposing God in this.  God is not making threats, but statements of what is being done NOW.  You, the leaders who endorse the murder of the innocent from prior to birth to the aged., the sex trade and illegal drugs all to gain power and line your pockets, you cannot save your kingdoms, for He is taking them from your hands now. Many have tried to stop the counsel of God, but He says, 'This stops now!" for He is performing HIS PROPHECY. 
    God is not playing a game! He called Donald Trump forth to be President and Mike Pence to be Vice-President of this nation.  Our Father will have His way for He is not done! The word will be spoken for it is HIS those He designed it for, those who have ears to hear! 
To President Trump, Vice-President Pence and Brett Kavanaugh, 'the Lord has opened a door for you that no man can shut. Why have I done this for you?...because you have not denied me and have waited on My persistence.  I will cause those who say they are of me but are not, but are of the temple of satan to bow down before you.'
    Please consider joining me in the honor of  standing with the Lord in His choice of Mr. Trump as our President, to pray for him diligently as he endures much persecution on behalf of 
the people of America.
Jim Spradley



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