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Holiday Season

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The Holiday's

There are lot's of different attitudes about the holiday season. For me my spirit beams with joy, gladness, thankfulness, gratitude, and love. For other's its the darkest season of the year to them. I've always decorated early. My daughter and I have many traditions we start the day after halloween. Crazy? Yes we are. We are crazy in love with the Christmas Story. For us it's not a Christmas Story but a Christmas reality. Love came down and hope was found. The very God who created the Heavens and the Earth, put himself inside of a women and became man to save ME and YOU! I don't just celebrate Christmas this time of year but if you know me or know someone who does they will tell you that it is every single day. Jesus gets to be born in me each day whenever, I choose joy instead of hurt. Whenever I get to help someone who couldn't help themselves. Whenever I get to pay for the peoples order behind me in the drive thru. Christ get's his reward when we simply just love. Now this kind of "Holiday Cheer" isn't for everyone. I totally understand that for a lot of people the holiday's bring back hurtful memories or memories that changed their lives forever. I have deep compassion for each person that deals with this during this time. Black Friday of 2017 my family almost had a situation like that. My mom had an accident and got hurt really bad with the food processor blade. Ended up going to heaven and God spoke to her and sent her back here because she wasn't done living yet. So when I hear peoples stories of why they don't like this time of year I have deep compassion and sympathy towards them. I just want to share that there is a hope in the deepest and darkest place of this season for you. Jesus is truly greater than our biggest heartache. Jesus truly cares about you or he wouldn't have become a man and suffered on your behalf. If you're struggling this season, please reach out so I can pray for you! I know it's easier to just be left alone but Jesus wants us to have relationships with people so that we can LOVE each other well.

Merry Christmas and Holiday Season



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